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Developing the Family,Inc





"Changing our family at a time"

About Us
Developing the Family, Inc. is an extension of Faith Temple Christian Center. The purpose of this organization is to improve our communities through our families by providing workshops, conferences, community resources and activities.

Developing the Family was formed in 2005, incorporated in 2009 and held its first conference in April 2005. What began as a financial workshop and the formation of the Young Adults Making a Change ministry, grew and developed into the now annual "Developing the Family Conference."

Some of the topics and issues that have been addressed throughout the years include: Family Finances, Teen Dating, Abstinence, Domestic Violence, Christian & Secular Education, The Role of the Man & Woman in the Home, Child Rearing, A Sound Marriage, Teen Violence/ Crime and newly added, Human Trafficking.

In, 2009, as the vision for Developing the Family expanded, we were fortunate to partner with other community organizations, Women in Distress and the Broward Sheriff's Office.

We are continuing to expand and continue looking for opportunities to partner with community organizations to bring the best information and resources to our families through the Developing the Family Conference and Workshops.

We believe that family is the foundation of the community. So it is our hope that by providing resources, services, workshops and educational tools, our families will become stronger, thus creating a stronger and better community.

GET READY AS WE PREPARE FOR OUR NEXT DEVELOPING THE FAMILY CONFERENCE!!! We are always excited, encouraged and ready for yet another Awesome conference!!! We are brainstorming on what will be the next DTFC experience and prayerful that you will join us! For General Information contact Lady Lousinder Jenkins (954)648-2973.

Until that time........why don't you give a donation to help us continue our work in our communities. Any and all amounts will be greatly appreciated!!!